

THE TALKIES AND THE MOVIES. By Gilbert Seldes. J. P. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 1929. $1.00.

FOR anyone who has a critical interest in one of America's greatest industries, this short and concise analysis of the moving pictures, both silent and talking, is one of the most valuable popular works which has been printed in this country.

Mr. Seldes has compiled most of his ideas in this volume with the purpose of attempting to forsee the future development of the movies and their position as the greatest form of popular amusement that the world has ever had. He presents a great deal of excellent material on the movies as an illusion. Which cannot fail to be of great interest to the casual though critical observer. His comparison of the moving picture and music as analogous arts is probably the most original part of the volume, while his critical discussion of the history of cinema since the days when it was used for peep-shows leads up to a final comparison of the Russian productions of Eisenstein and Pudowkin, representing the finest work in silent filming, and the talkies.

"Flying Gypsies" is the title of a book dealing with the ten thousand mile vagabondage by air soon to be brought out by Putnam's. Its authors, the Vicomte and Vicomtess de Sibour are eveil now on a flight from Paris to the Kenya Colony on the East Coast of Africa where they have a ranch.
