
Thirty-Nine Milton Aids Given Professors for Work in 1930-31

University Professors Receive Grants to Enable Them to Conduct Researches in Their Special Fields Which Cover Wide Range of Study

Thirty-nine awards, totalling more than $47,000, were made yesterday to professors in Harvard University to enable them to carry on research during 1930-31 under the provisions of the Milton Fund, according to an announcement at University Hall last night.

The grants from the Milton Fund for next year have been awarded to the following men for the objects specified:

I. W. Bailey '07, Professor of Plant Anatomy, to enable him to continue his work on the cytology of living tissue cells.

J. H. Beale, Royall Professor of Law, to complete for publication his Treatise on the Conflict of Laws.

Raoul Blanchard, Professor of Geography, to continue during 1930 the geographical exploration field work in Eastern Canada.


P. E. Boyle, Instructor in Operative Dentistry to study the microscopic anatomy of the normal human and normal canine dental pulp.

P. W. Bridgman '04, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, to continue his investigation of the properties of matter under high pressure and of single crystals.

C. T. Brues, Associate Professor of Economic Entomology, to continue his studies of the fauna of hot springs and the adaptation of thermophilous animals.

L. R. Cleveland, Assistant Professor of Protozoology, to continue an investigation of the relation of amoebae in vivo and in vitro to bacteria.

L. W. Collet, Professor of Geology, for the preparation of illustrations on the structure of the Canadian Rockies for the publication of a report on the Harvard Geological Expedition in 1929.

F. H. Crawford, Instructor in Physics, and Theodore Lyman, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Emeritus, to endeavor to construct an amplifier for small direct currents.

S. H. Cross '12, Instructor in German, to study the history of Russia to the fall of Kiev in 1240.

C. L. Dawes, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, to continue his study of the electrical characteristics of ionized gas films.

E. M. East, Professor of Genetics, to continue his genetic studies on the genus Nicotiana.

Robert Emerson '25, Instructor in Physiology, to study the efficiency of photosynthesis by investigating the efficiency of unicellular green plans in synthesizing carbohydrates.
