

The announcement of the revision in the system of divisional examinations in the department of History Government and Economics comes as official confirmation of an understanding which has been more or less common property for some time. The new arrangement is the result of a desire on the part of the department to offer a solution to a problem which has been a source of some dissatisfaction to seniors confronted with the task of preparing for divisionals.

As the CRIMSON pointed out in December somewhat in anticipation of the announcement of the plan, the system of divisional examinations employed at present in this department requires review of too broad a scope to allow maximum efficiency of results. The new plan provides a closer correlation of the three departments in the field. Also, by restricting the range of what exists as the present general examination within more specific limits it does away with the necessity for cramming an immense amount of material with which the student has no immediate concern other than a means to pass an examination. An added advantage is evident in the fact that the new system will work in more harmoniously with the tutorial system, for all three divisional examinations will now be at least indirectly within the province of the student's tutor.

Although the revision as yet can only be regarded in the light of an experiment it has all the appearances of a step in the right direction, and it is probable that practice will confirm what theory has decreed as advisable.
