
Ruddy, Moles, Set New Records In Trials of Intercollegiate Meet

Kojac, Rutgers, Sure to Turn in Speedy Times--Michigan, Northwestern Qualify Nine

Two National Collegiate records were broken, one was tied, and a brand new mark was established at the opening of the new Harvard swimming pool last night. Ray Ruddy of Columbia and Ted Moles of Princeton were the record-breakers, while August Harms, of Fordham, swimming easily in the 150-yard medley, a new event for the meet, hung up a mark for future mermen to shoot at. Al Schwarts, Northwestern captain and star, twice tied the existing record of 24 seconds flat in the 50-yard dash.

Michigan and Northwestern led the field of qualifiers for tonight's finale with nine men each. The latter university will be represented in all but two events while the former will have men in seven out of the ten finals. Stanford and Princeton tied for third and fourth places with six men apiece. They were followed by Rutgers and Columbia, with four each, and after the six leaders came Penn with three. Minnesota and Brown with two each, and Dartmouth, Iowa, Syracuse, Springfield, Fordham, and McGIR with one each. This tabulation makes allowance for men qualifying in two or more events as was the case with Schwartz, Kojac, and several others.

Last night's events, giving Harvard swimming enthusiasts their first taste of real first-class competition, provided thrills galore. Ruddy, the Columbia crack long-distance man, provided the major thrill of the evening by defeating his chief rivals Clapp, of Stanford and Ault, of Michigan, in a grilling furlong swim. All three men had already put on stellar exhibitions in trial heats of the 440, and yet they battled through to a hair-breadth finish in the 220. Ruddy was the winner, followed by Clapp, while Ault fell behind in the last stages of the race.

Schwartz Star of Trials

The individual star of the meet from the prospective scoring point of view was Northwestern's captain Al Schwartz. This stellar wave-cutter tied the existing mark in the century both in his heat and in the semi-final, and he came within one-fifth of last year's record performance in the 220. He seems like a certain point scorer in both events this evening and it would not be surprising to those who saw his clean-cut, powerful stroke in the trials if he were the outstanding performer of the meet.


Rutgers' star swimmer, Kojac, whose performances have placed him in the public eye for the last two seasons, qualified in the backstroke, his favorite, and also the 150-yard medley, the new event of the meet. The easy manner in which he finished the medley indicates that he is a dangerous rival for Harme in the final this evenings, He is generally conceded a first in the backstroke, and it is expected that he will help his teammates to a place in the 200-yard relay, the only other event in which he is entered. His team qualified for the finals in this along with Michigan, Princeton, Northwestern, and Dartmouth. The Evanston aggregation is considered a slight favorite for top honors.

The summary:


Won by Grandy (Pennsylvania), 99; second, Lobdell (lowa), 95; third, Throndson (Stanford), 88; fourth, Nappa (Minnesota), 78; fifth, Fisher (Springfield), 69; sixth, Brooks (Princeton), 68.


First heat-Won by Michigan (Walaitis, Hogmer, Smith, Walker); second, Rutgers (Marquette, Smith, Jelenke, Kojac). Time--1 min., 37 4-5 sec. Second heat--won by Princeton (Stone, Lee, Nichelson, Turner); second, Dartmouth (Smith, McCord, Spiegel, Cuckor); third, Northwestern (Wilson, Hinch, Covode, Peterson). Time--1 min., 39 Sec.


First heat--won by Moles (Princeton), second, Goldsmith (Michigan); third, Callahan (Columbia). Time--2 min., 34 sec. (new national collegiate record). Second heat won by Howlett (Northwestern); second, Manych (Princeton); third, English (Syracuse). Time--2 min., 39 1-5 sec. Five fastest to qualify: Moles, Goldsmith, Callahan Howlett, Manych.


First heat--won by Schwarts (Northwestern); second, Hall (Brown). Time--24 sec. (equals national collegiate record) Second heat--won by Harrisch (Northwestern); second, Hosmer (Michigan) third, McShane (N. Y. U). Time--24 1-5 sec, Third heat--won by Walker (Michigan); second, Dolgos (Columbia); third McKelvey (Stanford). Time--24 3-5 sec Fourth heat--won by Wilson (Northwestern); second, Smith (Michigan). Time--24 4-5 sec, Fifth heat--won by Walker (Michigan); second, Stinson (Pennsylvania). Time--34 2-5 sec.

Semi-finals: First heat--won by Schwarts (Northwestern); second, Walker (Michigan); third, Harrison (Stanford). Time--24 sec (equal national) collegiate record). Second heat--won by Walaitis (Michigan); second, Wilson (Northwestern); third, Stinson (Pennsylvania). Time--24 8-5 sec. Five fastent to qualify: Schwarts, Walker, Harrison, Walaitis, Wilson.


First heat--won by clapp (Stanford) second, Phillips (Rutgers); third, Shenk (Princeton). Time--5 min., 16 4-5 sec. Second heat--won by Ault (Michigan); second Ruddy (Columbia), third, Rabbitt (Dartmouth) Time--5 min., 27 2-5 sec. Five fastest to qualify Clapp. Phillips, Speck Ault Ruddy.


First heat won by Kojac (Rutgers) second, Marsh (Minnesota): third Arnold
