

Designs for Tickets and Words for Hymn Should be in Next Friday--Coop' to Measure for Caps and Gowns

The schedule of events for Commencement Week was announced last night by C. B. Lakin '30, chairman of the Class Day Committee. With several minor changes, the program is much the same as that of former years. Ticket applications and circulars with details concerning Class Day will be mailed to all Seniors before May 1.

The exercises this year will be held during the week of June 15-20. The Baccalaureate Sermon on Sunday afternoon June 15, is the first event on the schedule, which closes Friday with the exercises at Sanders Theatre and the crew races at New London.

Duties Outlined

J. W. Petter '30 and W. T. Wetmore '30 are in charge of the Senior Spread, and F. S. Davis '30 will have the chief direction of the Yard exercises. V. L. Hennessey '30 is in charge of the Stadium exercises, while J. L. Ware '30, treasurer of the Class Day Committee is in charge of the chapel exercises and Sanders Theatre.

Competitions open to all Seniors for Class Day ticket designs and for words to the Baccalaureate Hymn close a week from today. The hymn may be based upon any familiar tune, such as "Fair Harvard" "Onward Christian Soldiers" or "Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand".


Lakin reminds Seniors after March 31 the subscription price for the Album will be raised from $9 to $10, and urged them to make arrangements for measurement for gowns with the Harvard Cooperative Society as soon as possible.

Commencement Program

Following is the program for Commencement Week:

Sunday, June 15

4 o'clock--Baccalaureate Sermon

Monday, June 16

9 o'clock--Senior Spread and Dance in Memorial Hall.

Tuesday, June 17

9 o'clock--Senior Class Chapel Service in Appleton Chapel.

11 o'clock--Sanders Theatre Exercises: Oration, Poem and Ode.
