

Polling Will be Continued in the Law School This Morning--The United Press to Handle Big Release

With nearly 4000 votes polled in the College, Law, Medical and Business Schools and with returns coming in from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Colgate and many other colleges cooperating in the nation wide undergraduate organization of opinion on prohibition, the results promise to be of real significance when the simultaneous release is issued for Thursday morning.

In an endeavor to send the total of votes cast at Harvard well over the 4000 mark, polling will be continued in the Law School this morning at booths in the both Langdell and Austin Halls. Votes may be cast between 10 and 11.30 o'clock.

Monday's poll of the College which totaled 1200 votes was augmented by another 1200 cast yesterday in sever, Harvard, and Pierce Halls. Approximately 600 ballots were filled out in the Business School yesterday, 400 at Law School, and 300 at the Medical School.

Votes Being Counted

Tabulation of the results is now taking place and the totals from the other colleges will be added when the count at Harvard is completed. These votes, together with those cast independently by colleges which did not cooperate on account of policy, will be added up and the grand total is expected to be in the neighborhood of 25,000. Arrangements have been made with the United Press for the handling of the story.


Present indications are that, despite the impossibility of reaching many of the Graduate Schools at Harvard, the poll will nevertheless represent more than 50 per cent of the whole University, an average much higher than that usually gained in political elections throughout the country.
