

The Dramatic Club has come dangerously near falling into an undignified and unprecedented predicament. By the closest of margins they have avoided the pitfall of producing a play familiar to the American public, a thing which the Club has shunned scrupulously.

Just from whence came this principle that the Club should produce no play ever before acted upon the American stage it is hard to determine, but it is unfortunately quite easy to see the unfortunate results which have attended this policy during the last few years. It has been difficult, in fact well nigh impossible, to secure from year to year plays of merit which are not beyond the powers of the Club to present or beyond the powers of the audience to understand.

If the Dramatic Club feels that "Liliom" is too old and hackneyed to be of value to them or of interest to their audiences they are well justified in seeking elsewhere for it more suitable play. But there is no reason for the Club to condemn "Liliom" on the grounds that its presentation would be contrary to their policy. Better far a well-worn "Liliom", than an over-exotic and unintelligible importation which no American manager would design to produce. If the Club can bring anything new and constructive to stagecraft by producing certain hitherto unknown plays, then there may be an excuse for their policy. But to become exponents of a hard and fast rule is to narrow the possibilities to success which he Dramatic Club may have.
