

Leland Stanford and University of California Represented

A list of nine men from among whom a team of three will be chosen to meet a group of California debaters in Boston on April 3 was announced last night by E. M. Rowe '27, coach of the Harvard debating team. The subject for debate will be: "Resolved. That New England rather than California is the land of opportunity."

The nine men who will work on this question under the direction of J. P. Wernette 4G, former University of California debater, are H. G. Abdian '30, R. M. Alt '32, W. P. Champman '31, C. F. Elliott '31, G. W. Harrington '30, J. S. Jennison '30, D. L. Lloyd '31, A. B. Rood '31, and A. A. Windecker '32.

The California speakers who are recruited from Leland Stanford, the University of California, and the University of Southern California, are making a tour which will take them to fifty institutions in this country and through the British Isles.

They are at present only on the first lap of their journey which will take them half way around the globe. Thus far the western team has been favored by audience decisions in most of the debates they have entered.


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