The second of a series of conferences leading up to the annual meeting of the Harvard Teachers' Association on Saturday will be held tomorrow night in Emerson D at 8 o'clock. Under the chairmanship of Associate Professor F. T. Spaulding '16, the conference will discuss secondary education, a problem which has been a controversial subject in academic circles during the past half year.
J. Stevens Kadesch, headmaster of the Medford High School and a member of the special staff which is now conducting a survey of secondary education under the authorization of Congress, will describe the work of the government investigators.
Dr. E. R. Smith, headmaster of the Beaver Country Day in Chestnut Hill, will discuss "Private Secondary Education in a Democracy". In the Inglis Lecture for 1930 Professor Thomas H. Briggs launched an attack on the private schools as selfish and having no place in the educational system. Dr. Briggs will speak on the subject from the standpoint of one associated with progressive education in the private-school field.
On Thursday night a conference will be held in Lawrence Hall on problems of second-year French. The personnel work in Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges will be discussed by University student employment officials at the same-place on Thursday night, while at the same time Professor A. C. Hanford '17, and Henry Chauncey '27, assistant dean of the College, will lead a "round table" discussion on "going to college."
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