
Voting Today Begins Crimson's Poll to Test Collegiate Opinion of Prohibition

Polls in Both Halls Open from 10 Until 1 O'clock--Balloting All Day at Crimson

Ballot boxes set up today in the large recitation buildings of the University will give Harvard students opportunity to register their opinion of the Prohibition laws. The two-day poll, which opens today will have its counterpart on the camp of at least 15 other universities throughout the country, all of whom have consented to aid the CRIMSON in its attempt to produce a concerted expression of feeling for or against Prohibition which may be taken as truly representative of the majority of college men.

Will Reflect College Opinion

Thus far the colleges which have agreed, through their undergraduate papers, to hold polls include Amherst, Colgate, Cornell, Dartmouth, Howard, Illinois, Lafayette, Michigan, M. I. T., Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Purdue, and Washington and Jefferson. The results of these polls will be telegraphed to the CRIMSON Tuesday night, where they will be tabulated and analyzed. The complete results will be released Wednesday night for publication Thursday morning. Taken with independent polls previously held at Yale, Brown, Rutgers, and Williams, the poll which is being carried on this week through the cooperation of other college papers with the CRIMSON should give the lawmakers of the land a definite and true sample of what will constitute within the next few years an important segment of the American electorate.

The polling places in Harvard and Sever Halls open at 10 o'clock this morning, and balloting will continue until 1 o'clock; the ballot-boxes in these two halls will be open during the same hours tomorrow.

Additional polling-places open tomorrow in the Graduate Schools. Voting will take place outside the dining rooms in the Business School dormitories from 12 to 1.30 o'clock, in Pierce Hall from 10 to 1 o'clock, in Langdell Hall from 10 to 1 o'clock, and in Vanderbilt Hall of the Medical School from 11.30 to 1.30 o'clock. A ballot-box will be open in the CRIMSON Building both days from 9 to 5 o'clock
