

In the past, the greatest obstacle that has faced the spread of education has been its geographical restriction to certain areas. To overcome this obstacle and, "to push forward the boundaries of understanding" beyond the University and the large city is the aim of Senator Guggenheim's Memorial Foundation. This year's inclusion of the first Latin American Fellows further broadens the scope of an endowment already open to all kinds of creative workers and emphasizes the international aspect of art literature and scholarship.

World education has often been her-aided as the solution of many governmental problems. Certainly healthy international relations depend upon the intelligence and understanding of the citizens of individual nations. As organization such as the Guggenheim Foundation that knows no boundaries of race or creed holds the power to put the educational solution to the test.

From the corners of Europe to the South Sea Islands, the Guggenheim Foundation exerts an influence, however slight, against the forces of ignorance. Philanthropy could have found no better object than in the organizing and furthering of knowledge to continue this work. From this larger point of view, scholarship for the sake of scholarship alone becomes of secondary importance and a Fellowship in the Guggenheim Foundation becomes a responsibility as well as an honor.
