New Haven, Conn., March 23--Charges that the recent liquor poll at Yale demonstrates that the boy or girl from a temperate home has a poor chance of "keeping clean in such an infected environment" were made today in a letter to the Yale Daily News, conductor of the poll. The letter was sent by one Frank M. Gregg of Atlantic City.
Gregg evidently thinking Yale a co-educational school, said that the poll shows that Yale is a poor place for any parent to send his boy or girl and concludes that the moral leadership of the United States has passed from the big universities.
Mr. Gregg's communication was published by the News without comment. He congratulated the News on its poll, which he said, establishes the fact that 71 per cent of the students are "alcohol-minded." He added, in predicting the effect of the poll upon American parents.
"You have conclusively established several other facts in the minds of the American parents. First, that Yale is a poor place to send his boy or girl. Second, you have conclusively explained why so many Yale graduates fail in life. Third, the only thing to do now is for every university to establish the alcohol-mindedness of its students.
"That is only fair and honest on the part of the universities. With these facts before them, the parents know exactly what to expect. With these facts established as they have been in Yale by the Yale News, my conclusions would be as follows:
"If Yale now has a 71 per cent alco- holic-mindedness in 1930, it would be quite reasonable to assume that such dominating environment would influence at least 20 per cent more students by 1934, so that 90 per cent of the students would be the actual alcohol-mindedness of the present body before it graduates. So that a boy or girl from a temperate home would have a pretty poor chance of keeping clean in such an infected environment.
"The second conclusion would be that the moral leadership of the United States, if such conditions exist in the universities, has definitely passed from the big schools.
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