
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"Girandoux--Paul Morand" Professor Morize, Sever 17.

"Phillip 11 of Spain", Professor Merriman. Emerson J.

10 o'clock


"Victor Hugo" Professor Morize Harvard 6.

"The Constitutional Regime in Russia" Mr. Karpovich. Sever 25.

"High Frequency Oscillation and Electric Waves" Professor U.H. Black. Jefferson Phys. Lab. 1.

"Thomas Mann's Appraisal of the Poet", Professor Burkhard, Germanic Musoum.

11 o'clock

"Nineteenth Century American Writers of N.Y., the South and West" Professor Murdock. Harvard 2.

"German Romantic Literature", Professor Burkhard, Germanic Museum.

"Juvenal Satires in Latin" Professor Peterkin, Sever 18.
