

Fee of Three Dollars Charged for Tests--All Will be Held in Emerson D

Announcement was made yesterday of the schedule of make-up mid-year examinations which will take place during the first half of April. These examinations will be conducted under conditions similar to those of midyears, and will not last more than three hours.

Students must be authorized to take make-up examinations, for which a fee of $3 will be charged on their term bills. This will be charged whether or not the student takes the examination, and remitted only if he notifies the Assistant Dean in charge of Records, 3 University Hall, in writing, at least two weeks before the date of an examination which he does not expect to take. All examinations will be held in Emerson D at 2 o'clock.

The schedule of examinations follows:

Monday, March 31--Astronomy 2a, Economics A, Economics 6b, Economics 25, Economics 41, English A-1, English 3a, English 10a, English 23, English 35a, English 72, Fine Arts 1c, Fine Arts 5c, Fine Arts 17, French 37, German A, Mathematics 4, Palaeontology 1.

Wednesday, April 2--Anthropology 5a, Biology A, Chemistry A, Chemistry 3a, Chemistry 5, Chemistry 16, English 1, English 41, English 78, English 83, English 85, French 1, French 11, French 8, Psychology 14, Semitic 4.


Friday, April 4--Engineering Science 5a, English 7, Fine Arts 9c, French B, French 2, French 10, French 30, German B, German 4, Government 18a, Mathematics 5a, Military Science 1, Military Science 4, Music 1a, Music 1b, Naval Science 4, Spanish 1, Spanish 5, Zoology 1.

Monday, April 14--Anthropology 17, Chemistry 10, Chemistry 11, Economics 3, Economics 11, Economics 38, Geology 4, German 2, History 7, History 9, History 28, History 55, Mathematics A, Philosophy A, Philosophy 1a, Psychology 10a, Psychology 33, Social Ethics 3, Zoology 6a.

Wednesday, April 16--Comparative Literature 22, English A-3, English 2, French 28, German 12a, Government 9a, History 1, History 5a, History 12, History 15, History 57a, Italian 10, Mathematics 2, Meteorology 1, Philosophy 8a, Philosophy 9, Semitic 13, Social Ethics 25.

Friday, April 18--Chemistry 2, French 22, French 26, Geography A, German 1a, German 6, Government 6, Government 1, Government 3a, Latin 8, Mathematics C, Physics C, Physics D, Physics 1, Physics 3a, Psychology 1, Psychology 24, Semitic 17a, Slavic 4, Social Ethics 1a.
