In the teeth of a biting wind which swept across the snow-covered field, about 75 of Harvard's football candidates held their initial workout of the spring season yesterday afternoon. The practice was in charge of Coach Horween, assisted by his battery of line and backfield mentors.
A preliminary warming-up took place in the old cage in the form of football passing. Following this, the squad was sent out to the Freshman field where the remainder of the workout was held inside the enclosure.
Under the inquisitive eyes of various newspaper reporters, the men were given lessons in the fundamentals such as handling the ball, starts from the line, blocking, and dodging. Fine points of the lateral pass were demonstrated by Coach Horween who was giving his attention to J. F. Schereschewsky '32, and J. W. Crickard '32, while a short drop-kick session was held by N. P. Kennard '09, kicking coach.
Candidates for the end positions were given a brisk drill in snaring forward passes by E. H. Bradford '26, end coach, R. H. O'Connell ocC, regular end on the 1929 team, and S. C. Burns ocC, second string end last fall. The backfield men were supervised by E. L. Casey '19, head backfield coach, and W. R. Harper '30, fullback on the 1929 eleven in handling the ball, and bucking imaginary lines, while the lines were put through their offense manouevers by coaches W. A. Cleary '15, C. J. Hubbard '24, and John Donovan.
Following this practice, the linemen clashed in a game of touch football for warming-up purposes, while the ends collaborated in a medicine-ball session.
Although Captain-elect B. H. Ticknor '31, and E. A. Mays '32, are at present engaged in baseball, while W. B. Wood '32, S. L. Batchelder '31, and E. T. Putnam ocC are enjoying a two weeks' layoff with the close of the hockey season, most of the regular squad was on hand, swelled by recruits from the Freshman group.
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