
The Student Vagabond

Saturday is not usually much of a day for the Vagabond to make his rounds of the lecture haunts. And were it not banal to talk about the weather it might well be added that these blue skies shine on other paths besides those of board which lead to Sever and the like of Sever. Now this may not be an enthusiastic introduction to the lectures of the day. But stop and consider, any manifestation of interest in things academic under present conditions is a certain sign of something in the offing worth listening to.

That is just the case, for the day's lectures will keep the Vagabond mighty busy between breakfast and luncheon. At nine there is Professor Morize's talk on "The French Novel Since the War" which offers one of the rare opportunities to hear a Harvard professor on contemporary literature. Then at ten Mr. Karpovich will discuss the economic development of Russia during the absorbing period from 1850-1900 when the land of the Tsars underwent a metamorphosis almost as striking as that of 1918. In competition with the Russian scene. Professor Bliss Perry will lecture on the favorite poet, Keats. Many friends of the Vagabond will want to combine two such popular headliners as Keats and Perry.

After the foreign flavor of the previous hour the Vagabond at eleven will hear a lecture on Edgar Allen Poe, the American poet and short story writer who is also a pioneer in American criticism. Professor Murdock's treatment of Poe will deal entirely with the latter phase of his work--a phase which is particularly popular with certain members of the present American school of letters.

The tabulation of interesting lectures for today and Monday follows:



9 o'clock

"Spain and Charles V", Professor Merriman, Emerson J.

"The French Novel Since the War", Professor Morize, Sever 17.

10 o'clock

"Chateaubriand", Professor Morize, Harvard 6.

"Alternating Current Motors", Professor Black, Jefferson 1.

"Russia's Economic Development in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century", Mr. Karpovich, Sever 25.

"Keats", Professor Bliss Perry, Sever 11.

11 o'clock

"Horace Satires" (in Latin), Professor Peterkin, Sever 18.
