Majestic -- "The Merry Widow" Leaves for Washington next week.
Jordan Hall--Pavla Frijsh, soprano.
Shubert--"The New Moon". Here for a long successful stay.
Colonial--Sir Harry Lauder. Last time to hear him tonight.
Wilbur--Fritz Leiber in the plays of Shakespeare. For the most part, well worth seeing. A review in this issue.
Lyric--"Young Sinners". Good fun, but not so clean.
Plymouth--"Little Accident." Boston's favorite exposition on birth control.
Tremont--"Gambling". George M. Cohan and lots of amusement.
University--"No, No, Nanette" and "Hunting Tigers in India", Reviewed in this issue.
Keith's--"Second Wife", Conrad Nagel and also Lila Lee after a long absence.
Loew's State--"Anna Christie", Greta Garbo talks. There's something wrong if you miss this.
Metropolitan--"Sarah and Son", Reviewed in this issue.
Uptown--"The Vagabond King," Good but expensive.
Keith-Albee--"The Lone Star Ranger," Zane Grey's novel in the hands of Sue Carol and George O'Brien.
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