"Wrong Again", a musical comedy in three acts, will be this year's Pi Eta Club show, according to an announcement by Phillips Finlay '31, president of the club. The first performance, to be attended only by graduates, will be given in the club house on Thursday night, March 13, following the annual graduates dinner. The performance on March 14, open to all members of the University, will be followed by general dancing.
The comedy, which deals with the experiences of a group of college graduates on their way to study wild life in California, was written by G. B. Barner '30. The songs have been contributed by E. B. Murphy '31, and B. D. Hanighen '30, with lyrics by Murphy and H. C. Adamson '30. J. W. Bethell ocC, Leslie Cheek Jr. '31, and S. T. Birdsall '31, business manager of the club, are staging the production.
D. C. Lewis '30 will appear on the stage as leading lady with E. B. Murphy '31 taking the chief male role, and P. A. Tolman '31 and Sturtevant Burr '31 providing the comedy. These artists will be supported by three mixed choruses, one an assembly of farmers and farmerettes. H. C. Adamson '30 will give a comic specialty.
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