

Mason, Hawes, and Nissen to Compete in Dash--Mardulier is Only Hurdler Entered by Harvard

The Crimson one-mile relay team, with Vernon Munroe, Jr. '31 running anchor, will race in the Millrose games tonight against the quartets of Columbia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. V. L. Hennessey '30, W. C. Rowe '31, and E. E. Record '32 complete, the personnel of the Harvard group. The local runners captured a first place last year when F. E. Cummings '30 finished 50 yards in advance of the Maryland anchor man. E. C. Haggerty '27, who will accompany the University team when it entrains for the Empire City at 12.30 this afternoon, would make no statement last night as to the chances of his charges.

In addition to the relay quartet, six other men are making the trip and will compete in the Gotham games in their special events.

Captain T. F. Mason '30, J. B. Hawes '32, and F. V. Nissen '30 should furnish stiff competition to the sprinters from the other 14 New England colleges in the 50-yard event. David Cobb '31 will run in the half-mile, though Coach Farrell said late yesterday afternoon that the brilliant Crimson distance man might compete in the mile today if the Millrose officials would sanction it.

N. P. Hallowell '32, will represent the University forces in the 1000-yard handicap event while F. J. Mardulier '30, the only timbertopper making the trip, will compete in the 60-yard high hurdles.
