
In the Graduate Schools

Guides Will be Furnished to Direct Visitors Through Buildings

The fourth of the series of annual University teas will take place this afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock in the Baker Library at the Business School. All officers of the University, and their wives, and all students are invited to attend. Guests will have an opportunity to visit all departments of the Business School, and special guides will be furnished to direct the visitors through the buildings.

The following departments will be represented at this gathering: Graduate School of Business Administration, School of Education, Harvard Theological School, Episcopal Theological School, Officers of Administration, Department of Philosophy and Psychology, and the Department of Social Ethics.

Receiving at the Tea will be Dean and Mrs. C. H. Moore, Dean and Mrs. G. H. Chase, Dean and Mrs. H. B. Washburn, Dean and Mrs. H. W. Holmes, Professor and Mrs. J. H. Woods, Professor and Mrs. W. E. Hocking, Professor and Mrs. J. H. Ropes, Professor and Mrs. O. M. W. Sprague, and Professor and Mrs. C. P. Biddle.

In past years these teas have been held in the Living Room of the Union, but this year a number are being given in other large meeting places in University buildings.
