
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"The Julio-Clandians", Mr. Hammond, Sever 18.

10 o'clock

"The Age of Rosas", Professor Haring, Harvard 3.


12 o'clock

"The Political Development of the German Empire". Professor Langer, Harvard 6.

"Storage Batteries", Professor Black, Jefferson Phys. Lab. 1.

"The President's Cabinet", Professor Holcombe, Harvard 5.

2 o'clock

"Drydeh: dramas and dramatic theory", Professor Greenough Sever 11.


10 o'clock

"Henry Thoreau", Dr. Carpenter, Harvard 2.

"La Comedie au XVIII Siecle", Professor Morize, Harvard 6.

"The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia", Mr. Karpovich, Sever 25.

"Michael Faraday and Induced Currents", Dr. Crawford, Jefferson Phys. Lab. 1.

11 o'clock

"Lucian, his influence in English Literature", Professor Peterkin, Sever 18.
