
Lining Them Up

Amateurs and Pro Hockey Rules?

There's been discussion aplenty of late about the advisability of the amateur hockey teams adopting the rules and regulations which govern professional rink play and, if the simon purse do seem inclined to take such action, just how much of the 1929-30 edition of the Code Calder they should adopt. A couple of months ago when college sextets were preparing for their winter campaigns, New England coaches and officials assembled to discuss just such changes, but the idea was dismissed until another season and those gathered in solemn conclave concentrated on the problem of rule interpretation. Both--the pros and amateurs sought to bring about a faster, more open game this winter; the former did so with the adoption of the new off-side and anti-defense rules, while the latter aimed at the same goal by means of a better interpretation of the rules. But the unqualified success of the new professional code this winter has brought forth recommendations from various quarters to the effect that the amateurs should adopt the same standards, or some of them at least. A step in this direction is being taken this evening by two of the local amateur teams when the University Club and Boston Hockey Club play each other in the Arena under pro regulations for the New England A. A. U. championship, paradoxically enough.

Those in favor of discarding the amateur rules argue that such a move would make for a spectacular, open game, more interesting to players and spectators alike. Minute off sides and insignificant kicks frequently halt play in a fashion not only boring to the spectators but to the players themselves, they say. There's also no clause in the amateur code to prevent packing the defense, a practice which produces dull hockey, witness the performance of Marquette not so long ago. All of that is certainly true and sound enough, but there's something to be said on the other side too.

Adoption of the professional code might well meet with the approval of some of the larger colleges, but it seems pretty certain that the smaller college teams would view such action with alarm. As a matter of fact, Joe Stubbs, Harvard mentor, has repeatedly come out against the adoption of pro regulations. The fast pace made possible by forward passing would be a considerable drain on the stamina of the college skaters; even the seasoned and hardened professionals have found it necessary to use three forward lines to maintain the speedy clip. Of course the amateur twelve player rule would have to go by the boards. Shoving this clause into the discard would place the smaller college squads, despite the fact that they might have first class players, in a tough spot. Obviously that is highly undesirable. Some say, furthermore, that the players would lose their love for the game if they performed under such tiring conditions, and they are on the ice for their own pleasure, decidedly not for that of the spectators, as are the pros.

The Canadian amateur clubs put on a far faster and more interesting game under the amateur code than do the American college teams, with their back-checking style of play. There is no doubt about the fact that the players themselves like a speedy open struggle, but whether the adoption of the Code Calder would solve the problem is open to question. Any changes should certainly be subject to the approval of those who are playing the game, and the results of tonight's University Club-B. H. C. contest will be watched with interest.


Briefer Notes

Albert Schwartz, Northwestern University's swimming ace recently lowered his own mark for the 100 yard free style in 60 foot pools to 51 5-10 seconds . . . George Kojac of Rutgers did almost as good in a 75 foot pool several days before that . . . These two meet in the new Harvard pool in the N. C. S. A., meet next month and the winner of their race ought to break the record. . . . Jonas ingraham, brother of "Navy Bill" Ingraham, and athletic director at Annapolis has resigned . . . Since he was the central figure in the Army-Navy break rumors along newspaper, row have it that the two service academies will patch up their difficulties and play football again. . . . Albie Booth will have his fifth try at being on a winning Yale team against Harvard in the Crimson-Blue basketball clash on March 8. . . He played against Harvard on the Freshman football, basketball, and baseball teams last year and on the varsity football team this year and Yale lost every time! . . . . Incidentally, that basketball game against Brown in Hemenway on Wednesday had a bit of sentiment attached to it. . .It was the last time a Harvard varsity basketball team will play in the old gymnasium for next year Coach Wachter's charges move to their new quarters. . . Word comes from New Haven that the Arena is all sold out for tomorrow night's hockey tilt. . . . That Larned Cup invitation tennis tournament starting today at Cornell was first held three years ago and Harvard immediately captured the title. . . . Out of eight I. C. 4A, indoor track meets Harvard has copped two of them, in 1926 and 1927. BY TIME OUT.
