In a closer match than the score shows the Freshman squash team D was defeated by St. Paul's 5 to 0 yesterday. The match was played on a different type of court from that usually used by the 1933 quintet and Coach Cowles attributed the defeat to this factor.
The summary of the game follows: Hartford (StP.) defeated J. R. Leonard '33; Stephens (St.P.) defeated J. M. Barnaby '33; Barker (St.P.) defeated H. V. Blaxter '33; Smith (St.P.) defeated R. S. Francis '33; Jefferson (St.P.) defeated J. B. Walker '33.
The class squash squads have been definitely picked now and the intramural tournament should start next week. The Seniors in the tournament are R. S. Winslow '30, W. A. Churchill '30, A. G. Booth '30, W. F. Koetzle '30, A. J. Derbyshire '30, Rogers Follansbee '30, and L. T. Robinson '30.
Francis Blake '31, M. W. Schwab '31, H. W. Sibley '31; A. F. Wadsworth '31, S. M. Lane '31, and R. W. Stenberg '31 will play for the Juniors.
The Sophomores are K. G. Balfour '32, John Dane, Jr. '32, H. C. Dickinson '32, J. W. Appel '32, and T. G. Whiteside '32.
On the 1933 squad are J. R. Frothingham '33, M. J. Bourneuf '33, Paul Boyer '33, T. McM. Torrey '38, Christopher Birckhead '33.
The remaining players in the Officers' Tournament are Redvers Opie '28, F. J. Carpenter, R. L. Masson, W. N. Tuttle '24, and S. B. Myers 1G.
Announcement of schedules for play will probably be announced early in the week, in order that matches may be completed as soon as possible.
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