

Haines Coaches First River Workouts of Season--Shells and Launches to be in Use Monday

With a few ice-pans still floating down the Charles, 80 Freshman oarsmen took to the water yesterday for their first outdoor workout since the close of the fall season. The trusty Leviathan again fulfilled the demands of mass coaching, as the fleet of launches has not yet been lowered into the water.

Six trips were made under the eye of H.H. Haines. Freshman Coach, who was accompanied on two of them by Coach Whiteside. Other passengers aboard the barge were cameramen from the Paramount and Fox Companies who were taking closeups of the rowers as well as telescopic pictures from the Weld landing and the Lars Anderson Bridge.

Starting this afternoon, the Leviathan will make regular trips, leaving the Weld landing every 35 minutes from 2.25 o'clock to a little after 5 o'clock.

Although most of the candidates have had experience last Fall on dormitory or experienced crews, a considerable number of them have not rowed this year because of football or other Fall and Winter sports. It is expected that the shells will be in use by Monday, provided the weather remains favorable.
