There are a certain number of courses in Harvard which are distinctly cultural in character, without leading to any definite material end. These courses are taken by the majority of students purely for the broad general survey which they offer in the fields of Fine Arts, Music and Literature. As a rule such courses are taken outside of the field of concentration, and are intended to serve merely as a background to the rest of the college studies. Music 4, Fine Arts 1d, and English 41 are examples of such cultural courses.
The increasing pressure of work in the field of concentration makes any sustained effort in these civilizing courses next to impossible. Yet these courses themselves are growing more and more difficult, and this increased difficulty deters many men, who, engaged in such fields as History and Science, feel especially the need of the broadening influence of art, but who cannot afford much time for the development of the sense of aesthetic appreciation.
The mass of indigestible factual material which the student is expected to absorb robs Music 4 and Fine Arts 1d of the potential charm which is inherent in these studies. A simplification of these and other such too esoteric, courses would aid in reducing the number of Philistines who graduate from Harvard.
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