Arguing the negative side of the issue "Resolved. That the Massachusetts Baby Volstead Act be Repealed," the University Debating Council will oppose the Boston College debaters in Symphony Hall tonight at 8.15 o'clock.
Last Tuesday night the Princeton debating team was defeated by Harvard debaters favoring the repeal. It being the policy of the debating council to have its members argue only that side of the question in which they believe, tonight different University debaters hope to add to Harvard's success by opposing the wets.
This is the third successive year the two teams have opposed each other B.C. has won both the previous contests
President G. W. Harrington '30 will be the first Harvard speaker, either R. B. Eckles '32, or A. B. Rood '31 will be second and P. C. Reardon '32, third speaker. The speeches will be 18 minutes in length.
J. J. Wright of B. C. will take the floor as first speaker of the evening, defending the issue. He will speak for only 10 minutes but will be entitled to an eight minute rebuttal at the close of the discussion. R. A. Hogan, Jr. and R. F. Connelly will be the two other debaters for Boston College.
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