
In the Graduate Schools

Seniors Must Apply at Once if They are to be Considered for Admission

All Seniors who are considering entering the Harvard School of Business Administration should submit their applications as soon as possible, according to a statement made yesterday at Morgan Hall. The Committee on Admission discloses that the number of applications already received, about 450, is 101 percent greater than at the same time in 1929. The first-year class is limited to 600 students. It is expected that about 350 men will be accepted when the Committee meets in March.

At the same time it was announced that, although heretofore applications have been considered largely in the order in which they have been received, this year the Committee will place special emphasis on the candidate's college record. Provided he has the "ability to write clearly and concisely" and has a knowledge of the principles of economics the applicant who has concentrated in cultural subjects while at college is on an equal footing with one who has specialized in economics.

Unlike the Law School, the Business School admits as first year students only those who show clearly their ability to complete the course, which is of two year's duration.

Curriculum Outlined

The first year course is the same for all students, so that the large number of men uncertain as to what field of business to enter have an opportunity for investigation before specializing in their second year. Second-year study groups giving training for specialized fields are conducted in accounting, commercial banking, investment banking, business statistics, foreign trade, industrial management, marketing, public utility management, and transportation.
