

Drifting and Shirking

In France only two things count with the university faculties--work and brains. A student may live as he likes, he can take all the class room "cuts" he wishes, but woe to him if he slips up on any of the stern and comprehensive examinations at stated periods. His university education ends right there if he fails to show himself proficient.

The young Frenchman who gets his degree at any French university is a finished product. The college puts the unmistakable stamp of culture on him. His degree is a guarantee that he is a worker and that his sole purpose was the serious pursuit of education.

America is the paradise of the shirker and the drifter who goes to college for the fun of it.

The French have the right idea. They throw the door of opportunity wide open to all the young people of France. But the moment they discover that a student is attending the university for a purpose other than that of working hard for an education--out he goes.

The university-trained Frenchman is without a peer in the world of education. --Boston Post.
