The announcement that twelve educators from Brazil are to visit Harvard and other educational institutions in the vicinity of Boston is one more evidence of progress on the way of international understanding. The steps toward world-peace that are aided by such organizations as the Institute of International Education are strides in the right direction.
No translator of mere words can convey to a nation the sentiments and life of another. It requires a native of a country to relate to his countrymen the habits of thought and action of another race. Next in value to expatriate students as translators of the emotional and intellectual constitution of the people of their adopted place of study are delegates such as those who come to Harvard today. The terms of life are experiences and the vehicles of expression are words. Properly to transfer the one through the other the translator must first live the life; then tell the tale. The two functions should be of the same individual if happy results are to be obtained. And so, as fosterers of a true impression of America by her system of education, the strangers are to be greeted warmly.
They alone are not the gainers in their visit. The exchange of ideas resulting from conversation between specialists may arouse the interest of America in the sending of her educators on tours of South American inspection.
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