After his varied experiences during the past month's ups and downs of the Reading Period and examinations, the Vagabond at last feels himself in the mood to settle down once more to the old routine of lectures and the like.
Sometimes it is a little hard to slip back into the traces that guide one in the straight and narrow path. It took inducements of no mean nature to draw the Vagabond down from the hills where long winter evenings and well-thumbed books hold their spell. But a glance every now and then at the lectures scheduled for the coming few weeks will make perfectly clear just why the old rover has returned.
In Philosophy A. which meets Monday and Wednesday at ten in Emerson D. Professor Whitehead will be a visiting lecturer for the coming two weeks. The Vagabond hardly needs to point out that an opportunity to hear one of the greatest philosophers now in America talking on elementary topics is rare. A few hours spent listening to Professor Whitehead will provide more than one of the Vagabond's friends with a unique intellectual experience.
Other important lectures of general interest follow:
9 o'clock
"Visigothic Spain", Professor Merriman, Emerson J.
10 o'clock
"German Naturalistic Drama", Professor Burkhard, Germanic Museum.
"The Border Provinces Under Alexander I", Mr. Karpovich, Sever 25.
12 o'clock
"Puritanism and Anglicanism in Seventeenth Century England", Professor Murdock, Emerson J.
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