

The proposed class insurance plan, which will appear on the Senior Class ballots tomorrow morning, provides a new option among the methods heretofore offered for the contribution to the class fund. A yearly budget method of preparing for the twenty-fifth reunion has been found both more productive and more acceptable to the majority of graduates than a haphazard system of gifts and contributions. Consequently it must be admitted that whatever method of payment is used, it must become in, which there is a regular and cumulative supply of funds being gathered over a period of years.

When the first uncertainty and wariness passes after reading the proposed plan, the immediate perception seems to be that the method outlined means something for nothing. A closer study, of course, reveals that it is not quite that, but that it is almost a matter of killing two birds with one stone. By way of explanation, it may be assumed that the majority of graduating students will, if they have not already done so, invest in some form of life insurance. A smaller majority also plan, in accordance with the precepts of duty and in preparation for a future junket, to contribute something toward the class fund.

The outlined plan means that the student will have the benefit of the principal of his life insurance in case of liability from the time he first pays the premium, but that he will not enjoy the dividends until after the twenty-fifth year out of college. At the end of twenty-five years, the total dividends and accumulated interest will form his contribution. Thereafter, provided that he continues the payment of the premium each year, both the principal and the dividends are wholly his.

The majority of students probably know little about such financial measures as yet; but in view of the fact that life insurance is well established as a form of investment, and that contributions to the class fund are to be conceded, the proposition appears to be one more to the general benefit of all alike than any of the previous methods.
