

Musical Show at Shubert Has Many Ups and Downs and No Music Worth Remembering

Another musical show is in town but that should not cause any great rush to the box office as "The Street Singer" is the typical type of entertainment offered to the not so discriminating audiences in the middle west. To be sure the piece improves as time goes on: the second act being far superior, due possibly to the fact that one becomes accustomed to the lack of good music and absence of a good comic character, the musical comedy gag man.

The music is ordinary and does not stay in the head except for "So beats my heart for you," introduced very probably to correct this fault with special permission of the copyright owners. The headliners are not as tuneful as might be expected, the second leading man having the best voice and that only fair.

Queenie Smith, the star, has a personality all of her own which makes up for a whole lot. Those who are fans of this star now will not be disappointed. Her supporting cast excells her in singing, and dancing but never in ability as an actress or personality. There are several talented minor characters who supply tricky dances which add immeasurably to the evening, otherwise dismal.

The chorus takes the booby prize for pulchritude and doesn't even dance well enough to justify their existence. There is the almost inescapable collection of humanity known as chorus men about which the less said the better. All in all the Street Singer can be given the miss in balk without any qualms.
