The Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports has approved the award of insignia and numerals to 155 undergraduates who played on the various Harvard football teams last fall it was announced yesterday.
The major "H" was awarded to the following members of the University football team who played against Yale:
J. B. Baldwin '31, Malcolm Bancroft '33, S. L. Batchelder '31, J. W. Crickard '32, P. A. Fullam '31, J. H. Gildea '31, C. H. Hageman '33, V. M. Harding '31, A. W. Huguley '31, F. H. Kales '31, E. A. Mays '32, V. N. Moushegian '32, H.M. Myerson '32, R. S. Ogden '31, E. E. Record '32, C. F. Richards '31, J. F. Schereschewsky '32, G. N. Talbot '32, B. H. Ticknor '31, Captain; W. B. Trafford '32, J. N. Trainer '31, T. G. Upton '31, B. D. White '32, W. B. Wood '32, and C. D. Dillon '31, Manager.
Minor "H" to Squad
In accordance with the recent ruling by the athletic board that all members of the first University football squad who do not play against Yale, shall receive a minor "H", the following members of the first university football squad received this award.
C. C. Cunningham '32, Charles Devens '32, J. D. Esterly '33, R. M. Faxon '32, M. J. Finlayson '32, A. C. Forbes '33, D. M. Greeley '31, R. H. Hallowell '33, R. H. Johnson '31, G. W. Kuehn '32. J. R. Leonard '33, Sumner Putnam '31, R. S. Warner '31 and S. P. Duggan '31, Associate Manager.
The minor "H" was also awarded to the following members of the second University football squad who played against Yale.
S. S. Adams '33, A. S. Alschuler '33, E. S. Amazeen '31, J. B. Ayer '33, R. McC. Ayer '32, G. M. Bartol '33, R: Brinkley '31, W. F. Brooks '32, W. S. Burrage '33, S. Cabot '33, R. G. Coburn '33, E. B. Cole '32, R. A. Dunn '32, J. F. Dwinnell '31, W. P. Elwell '32, B. Feins '33, R. Fincke '32, W. W. Foshay '31, C. Frothingham '31, W. K. Ginman '32 ES, R. F. Gleason '32, R. H. Johnson '31, Captain: A. Kidder '33, O. E. Langley '33, L. A. Lovett '33, A. J. Lupien '32, ES, F. A. Martin '32, C. C. Pell '33, B. Righter '31, S. Scott '33, R. H. Watt '32, A. D. Weekes '31, R. G. Werner '33 and J. E. Stevens '31, Manager.
Freshman Letter Men
Major numerals were awarded to the following members of the freshman football team who played against Yale- L. P. Baldwin, B. Beale, D. B. Cheek, A. O. Choate, F. J. Crane, F. G. Crocker, J. H. Dean, P. deB. deGive, W. R. DeVivo, A. M. Ferry, H. M. Frazier, F. H. Gleason. J. J. Healey, P. W. Hines, R. S. Hurlbut, D. E. Kopans. R. Lawrence, J. M. Lockwood, Captain: R. L. Lowe, K. McG Martin, H. C. McClees, T. W. Nazro, C. J. Nevin, C. A. Pescosolido, D. E. Peter, E. J. Rogers, B. Simmons, R. P. Waters, W. A. White, S. Whitney, R. A. Spalding, Manager, and A. E. Ritchie, Assistant Manager.
The following members of the 150-pound football team, organized for the first time this year, were awarded the minor "H":
K. Adams '33, R. H. Armstrong '31, D. Cheever '31, G. H. Conant '33, E. Dearborn '32, R. Domesek '32, G. R. Dunham '31, T. K. Dunstan '33, R. B. Greeley '31, E. J. Greenburg '32, W. E. Hutchins '32, O. D. Johnson '31, J. R. Lifehitz '31, J. E. Lightle '33, R. Livermore '32, W. E. McCarron '32, J. J. Mellen '33, E. F. Noyes '32, J. H. Rowell '31, Captain J. E. Sheldon '32, L. Soutter '31, H. Ulfelder '32, C. Y. Wadsworth '32, W. S. Warner '32, C. W. Wickersham '32 and J. R. Collins '32, Manager.
Class numerals were awarded to the following members of the class of 1931 who played against the Yale class team:
J. L. Abkowitz, H. F. A. Beyer, L. Cabot Briggs, L. P. Brown, W. S. deLima, J. C. DiNunzio, G. A. Donaldson, E. E. Ford, J. M. Hunter, P. A. Ketehum, Captain; H. E. Nyhoff, G. M. Phelps, A. R. Rourke, A. R. Serino, J. R. Sharkey, H. W. Sibley, C. A. Snelling, C. L. Sommers, J.B. Thorndike, E. T. Tryon, R. L. Vaughan, A. N. Webster and E. M. Worthen, J.B. Collins '32, manager of the class team
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