
The Student Vagabond

The Vagabond, a frequent visitor to the Music Building on days when Music 4 offers an interesting program, will slip into a back seat this morning at 10 o'clock when Mr. Frank Ramseyer plays Bach's French Suite No. 6. The last time this pianist played he resolved not to miss his next informal recital in Music 4. Professor Ballantine will go over the score in advance, contributing his usual quota of witticisms.


9 o'clock

"Contemporary Drama." Professor Carpenter. Sever 7.

"Nature of International Relations." Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.


10 o'clock

"Catherine the Great." Professor Karpovitch. Sever 25.

12 o'clock

"Rousseau and the Romantics," Professor Babbitt, Sever 11.


9 o'clock

"Self-Incrimination." Professor Yeomans, Harvard 2.

10 o'clock

"The Hellenistic Age," Professor Perry, Emerson D.

12 o'clock

"Economic Interpretation of History." Professor Holcombe, Boylston 21.

"Chapman," Mr. Theodore Spencer. Sever 11.

4 o'clock

"Fundamental Factors of Social Stratification and Nobility," Professor Sorokin, Sever B.
