

The true cross-section has been achieved. Lowell and Dunster have representative groups, but Adams House has stolen a march on them both and will house its students in a architectural cross-section. Mid-Victorian Russell will be linked to Fourteenth century Statler Westmorly by a Georgian dining hall which boasts Greek pillars. Across the street the German Renaissance Randolph, holding within its womb early colonial Apthorp will complete a grouping of perfect harmony. It is the spirit of the House Plan.

To strangers this assortment may present some difficulty. It is just possible that some day a man will walk into the new Doric pillared dining room hoping to make a deposit in the new Bank of Cambridge. But with the passing of the years when age has blended all the buildings into one symphonic mass, everyone will realize that the dining room is but the melting pot of Adams House where all the raw gold of the coast is being alloyed.
