

List Includes Ten Associates and Six Resident Tutors--238 Students Will be Accommodated

The new building for Adams House has risen to the height of the first story, in the space between Westmorly Court and Russell Hall. When completed it will form the central portion of the House and common meeting place of its members. The Master of the new House, James Phinney Baxter, 3rd, assistant professor of History, made public the plans yesterday, and simultaneously announced the staff of the House, including honorary associates, and associates, resident and non-resident tutors.

Several Halls Form Unit

Adams House will comprise the former Westmorly Court. Russell and Randolph Halls on Bow Street. Apthorp House will serve as the Master's residence. The new building now under construction will contain the library, two comfortably furnished common rooms, a committee room for the use of student organizations and for the various committees of the House. Its southern wing will form the dining hall, a panelled room, which will accommodate all the members of the House. It is connected with Westmorly Court by a serving room, and by a passage for the members of the House. Adams House will have its own kitchen, newly installed in the basement of Westmorly Court, and completely separate from the service of any other House.

The list of the staff, as announced by Professor Baxter yesterday, follows:

Master--James Phinney Baxter, 3rd, assistant professor and tutor in History:


Honorary Associates--The President of the University: Edward Stephen Harkness: Charles Francis Adams '88, Overseer of the University: The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences: The Dean of Harvard College:


Associates--Henry Lee Shattuck '01, treasurer of the University: Elmer Peter Kohler. Abbott and James Lawrence Professor of Chemistry: George Howard Parker '87, professor of Zoology and director of the Zoological Laboratory: Edwin Francis Gay, professor of Economic History: Lionel Simeon Marks, professor of Mechanical Engineering: Ralph Barton Perry, Edgar Pierce Professor of Philosophy: Charles Kingsley Webster, professor of History: Arthur Meier Schlesinger, professor of History: Kenneth John Conant, '15, associate professor of Architecture: Robert Silliman Hillyer '17, assistant professor of English; and tutor in the Division of Modern Languages.

Senior Tutor--James Alexander Ross. Jr., instructor in Economics.

Other Resident Tutors--Overton Hume Taylor, instructor in Economics. Otis Hamilton Lee, instructor in Philosophy: Sarell Everett Gleason, Jr. 27, instructor in History.

Non-Resident Tutors--Abbott Payson Usher '04, associate professor of Economics: John Joseph Penny, instructor in Romance Languages; Daniel Sargent '12, instructor in History and Literature: Charles Holt Taylor, assistant professor of History: Edward Sears Castle '25, instructor in Physiology and tutor in the Division of Biology: Cyril Bathurst Judge, instructor in English: Robert Joseph Allen, instructor in English: Charles Louis Kuhn, instructor in Fine Arts: Bruce Campbell Hopper '24, lecturer on International Relations and tutor in Government; Talcott Parsons, instructor in Economics and tutor in Sociology and Social Ethics; Donald Holmes Wallace '24, instructor in Economics; Hugh Langdon Elsbree, instructor in Government; John Jacob Glessner, 2nd '25, instructor in English, and Chairman of the Library Committee of Adams House; Dwight Westley Chapman, Jr. '27, instructor in Psychology.

Two of the resident tutors have not yet been appointed.

The library, on the second floor of the new building facing south, will contain over 6000 volumes. In assembling this collection care has been taken to include not merely standard reference works, and books ordinarily used in the larger undergraduate courses and for tutorial work, but also a wide range of books of general interest.

The swimming pool in the former Westmorly Court, a unique feature of the House, will be thoroughly modernized and made available for members of the House throughout the entire college year. The six Adams House squash courts are in the University squash courts building adjacent to Randolph Hall.

The Master's residence, Apthorp House, was built in 1760 by the Reverend East Apthorp, the first rector of Christ Church. Confiscated from its loyalist owner at the outbreak of the Revolution it served as General Putnam's headquarters and the residence of General Burgoyne and some of his officers after their surrender at Saratoga.

The House will accommodate two hundred and thirty-eight students, six resident tutors, fourteen non-resident tutors, and the Master. One suite of rooms will be reserved for a visiting professor. There are available for students thirty-nine single suites, forty-nine double suites, nineteen triple suites, and eleven suites for four men, ranging in price per student from $100 to $600 a year. In the past, the halls comprising Adams House have included the higher priced rooms in the College, but the prices have generally been reduced to correspond with those in the other Houses. Each suite has a study with a fireplace, and all but two have private baths. Each will be furnished, although students who wish to use their own furniture may do so. Rugs of good quality may be rented from the University. Each suite in entries D to I, the former Randolph Hall, has a telephone.

The House is named in honor of the Adams family, who have played such a prominent role, both in the history of the College and in the annals of the state and nation. Among the members of the Adams family graduating from Harvard there are the second president of the United States, John Adams; also his cousin Samuel, one of the leaders of the Revolution; and John Quincy Adams, of the Class of 1787, later the sixth President of the United States, who was Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory from 1806 to 1809 and Overseer from 1830 to 1848.

Other Prominent Adamses

Three Charles Francis Adams have served the University, the first, graduating in 1825, serving it as President of the Board of Overseers from 1869 to 1881, the second as Overseer from 1882 to 1907, and the third, the present Secretary of the Navy, serving as Treasurer and member of the Corporation from 1898 to 1929 and as an Overseer, elected in 1930. John Quincy Adams of the Class of 1853 was a Fellow from 1877 to 1894. Henry Adams, the historian, was brought to Harvard by President Eliot in 1870 to give new impetus to the study of history, and as assistant professor of History from 1870 to 1877 he built up such a department and initiated such methods as to change the course of the study of history in this country from that day forward.

In 1906 the second Charles Francis Adams proposed that Harvard College be transformed into a group of colleges each "so limited in size that individuality would be not only possible but a necessary part of the system.

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