

Middle-Westerners are Substituted for Buffalo--Trip to Take Place Soon After Christmas

Harvard's hockey team will play three games during the latter part of the ensuing Christmas holidays, going to New York for the first tilt and to Buffalo for the second and third games.

On Saturday, December 27, the Crimson will meet the Toronto University sextet in the Madison Square Garden, New York, in the annual holiday, battle with the Canadian team. The usual New Year's Eve contest with McGill University in New York has been transferred to Buffalo this year, and the two teams will meet there on New Year's Day. On December 30, the Crimson will hook up with the sextet from Michigan University in the Buffalo-drink.

The contest previously carded with the Buffalo professional team has been called off, due to the addition of the Michigan game to the schedule. Harvard will play under the revised American amateur rules against Michigan, but the games with the two Canadian teams will be governed by the old amateur rules still in use in Canada.

Coach Joseph Stubbs announced last night that he would take 15 men on the trip. The list, which includes all those who played in the University Club game on Wednesday night is as follows: D. Everett, Martin, Baldwin, Saltonstall, Pellt and Frothingham, wings; Garrison, Wood, and Putnam, centers; Batchelder, Crosby, Cunningham, and Palmer, defense; and Ellis and Wendell, goal.
