

Give Concerts in Buffalo, Albany, New York City--Appear at Roxbury Latin School at 8.30 O'Clock Tomorrow

Tomorrow night at 8.30 o'clock the Harvard University Instrumental Clubs will give their last concert before the annual Christmas trip, which will begin on Thursday, December 25, lasting until Wednesday, December 31. The concert will be held in the auditorium of the Roxbury Latin School, at Roxbury. In making this announcement the managers made known also, the names of the men who will take part in the annual vacation tour.

According to the revised schedule of concerts which are to be given during the trip, the Clubs will entrain for Rochester, New York, from the South Station, Boston, on Christmas night. They plan to give their first concert in Rochester on the evening of Friday, December 26.

On Saturday, December 27, they will play in Buffalo, New York, with a concert in Albany on the following Monday. After an excursion to East Orange, New Jersey, where a concert will be given on the evening of Tuesday, December 30, the Clubs plan to disband in New York City after a concluding concert the next afternoon, in the Park Lane Hotel.

The first concert on the program for the next semester will be held at Lowell, in conjunction with the Musical Club of Dartmouth. At all of these concerts the program used in concerts already given will be presented.

The 46 men who will represent the Clubs during the coming trip are: K. Adams '33, J. S. B. Archer 1G., H. V. Atherton '32, N. P. Bacon '32, C. E. Bell '31, J. M. Bradley '33, H. R. Brown '34, Lloyd Brown '34, Lincoln Bryant '34, R. A. Cooley '32, J. P. Cowin '32, W. H. Crawford '33, D. Davenport '33, J. M. Davis '33, James deRoode '32, R. G. Edwards '31, G. M. Fenollosa '33, A. Y. Foster '34, Heywood Fox '33, Hamilton Gray '33, S. H. Haste '34, John Heard Jr. '33, R. R. Hildreth '31, J. L. Hutter '33, G. N. Lewis '32, D. M. Matthews '32, W. A. McGivney '33, D. Miller '34, J. T. Quinby '34, G. E. Ray '32, F. B. Rice '31, A. B. Rood '31, T. D. Spencer '34, S. H. Stackpole '33, R. S. Stout '28, Proctor, C. B. Syers '33, J. F. Trosh '33, R. K. Vincent '32, C. B. Ware '34, W. S. Warner '32, R. S. Watson '32, E. E. Wendell '32, R. R. Write '32, C. Wood '32, E. H. Wood berry '32, E. A. Wye '34.
