


"The Great God Pigskin Sickens." So says the Daily Northwestern. "Long, irksome drills, coupled with necessity for victory, have tended to dampen the ardor even of those who love the game most," writes the Rutgers Targum. In the Yale News appears the following ultimatum: members of the "Big Three must either fall in line with the thoroughly up-to-date type (of football) as played by such teams as Notre Dame; or they must frankly recognize that football skill, glory, strength, and prestige is no longer centralized in Yale, Harvard, and Princeton, and set about to engage in less elaborate and time-consuming seasons." From friction-plagued Pennsylvania comes the news that the gridiron captain is to be given far more power, the coach less. "Put the game in the hands of the undergraduates," advocates the Herald-Tribune. And in the Dartmouth, after the Stanford contest, is the pertinent query: granted that the trans-continental trek was good advertising, was it fair to the players?

What the Yale News says concerning the old "Big Three" is true. Its application to Princeton is that, for one thing, inter-sectional games should have no place on the Tiger's schedule. The gold nugget in the H--Y--P President's Agreement of the early twenties was its ban on inter sectionalism: and the Princetonian of that day hailed the passing of cross-country rivalry "as a mark of progress." We lament its return as a mark of regress, and predict that in the far distant, but far saner future only natural rivals will do battle.

Yale pleads for a discarding of pretence. Its team must, "either be first rate or else admit a change of viewpoint and will fully take a back seat." As long ago as early October, we made the same plea in regard to the hollow sham and empty gesture of deferred practice. It has failed miserably of its purpose: and because early season games on the next two year's schedule are already arranged, the 15th of September ruling must go and one pretence at least be removed. When the mortgaged future has elapsed, we earnestly recommend an abbreviated schedule of later season games with natural rivals. The Princetonian
