

Will Take Russia's Five Year Plan as His Topic--Has Made Special Study of Project

Professor A. N. Holcombe '01 of the History and Government department will address the Harvard Socialist Club tonight in Straus Hall Common Room at 8 o'clock. He is the second speaker on the winter program. Dr. Guiellemin having addressed the club last Tuesday.

"The Present and Future Effects of the Five Year Plan" will be Professor Holcombe's topic. He has travelled extensively in the Soviet Union and has made a special study of the Five Year Plan He will show its present effect and will point out the far reaching consequences of its ultimate aim.

W. H. Melish '31, President of the club will go to New York during the Christmas recess to attend the winter conference of the League for Industrial Democracy and will speak on the student Socialist movement in the colleges at the conference.

The club has also organized a speaker's burean which is working in conjunction with the New England Socialist party and which is seeking to organize Socialist clubs in various colleges.
