
A New Boycott


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer will names be with-held.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

Judging from the price lists for the various rooms in the new Houses, I should think that there is going to be keen competition among the none-too-rich students for the privilege of getting muscle-bound by climbing four flights of stairs to the attic rooms on the fifth floors. But what interests me more is the fact that the price rates for rooms in the Freshman dormitories now being converted into Houses are raised from twenty-five to over one hundred percent above the rates which were charged us as Freshmen. The rates have been raised in some cases $180 higher for double suites and $120 for single rooms. Pray tell, is it a working theory that the upper-classmen, have heavier wallets than have the new-comers to this university? Or have we to pay the extra sums for the privilege of being in "Houses" with a Master and all the rest rather than in plain "dorms?"

Methinks that many students who are interested in entering a House unit will prefer to enjoy quarters with the townspeople residing in the environs of the Yard,--and walk less, climb less, and--most of all--pay less.

It does not seem possible that the expenses for operation will have increased to such an extent because of the transition from dormitory to House. The Ritz-Carlton would be preferable, for at least there are a few elevators! E. C. Morgan '32.
