Any criticism of the Dramatic Club production of the Witter Bynner's "Cake" must be made with the fact in mind that, after all, we are not considering a professional performance. As an amateur first night it is fair enough.
The most obvious fault of the presentation brings one to the conclusion that the cast, like the football team, might do better if practice were started earlier. Having lines pounded into one's ears does not add to the enjoyment of a play of the sort. True, one can better appreciate the work of the actors it one hears the lines read first by the uninspired prompter.
Maryalice Cobb, as The Lady, did most of the work and did it with some effect. Her lines could be understood in every instance while Miss Wertheim's arpeggios were often lost in the rafters. The latter had a difficult role as Mary Magdalen and articulated through it in a creditable fashion. The lowest form of wit seemed to tickle Unicorn, H. B. Wesselman '32, too often for the best delivery of his lines. Seven cocktails in a coffin, drunk on the way to boredom by R. R. Wallstein '32 as the Mandarin, were drunk with effect on the sparsely planted audience. The rest of the cast did well enough.
The difficult problem of staging the play was rather well done. The set did not obtrude too much and there was sufficient activity both before and behind the scenery at all times to keep attention from centering too much upon it.
The whole cast failed to give the impression that the characters were clever when their lines were clever. The auditor could not forget that it is the author who has the wit. By the time the Cambridge rehearsals are over, Boston might attend a more polished production.
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