Starting today at 5 o'clock, there will be informal Lacrosse winter practice in the new cage. Coaches Sayles, Pickard, Lane, and Heinz will be on hand to instruct the new men and to practice with the experienced players. All men interested in Lacrosse are urged to attend these practice sessions up to the Christmas vacation since this is the preliminary to the regular outdoor practice in the Spring. Experience is unnecessary. All of the teams on the Spring schedule will show a strong opposition but the Harvard prospects are highly promising.
The Lacrosse schedule for the year is as follows:
April 11-19 The Spring trip to Crescent Athletic Club, Bay Ridge, Long Island.
April is Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.
April 26 Army at Cambridge.
May 2 Open.
May 9 Brown at Cambridge.
May 16 Navy at Cambridge.
May 23 Yale at Cambridge.
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