
Powerful and Undefeated Michigan Is Favorite Over Weakened Harvard Eleven in Intersectional Battle Today

Visiting Quarterback Has Led Wolverines to Last Three Victories

After an absence of 16 years from Cambridge, Michigan University's football team returns today to the Harvard Stadium to clash with the 1930 edition of the Crimson eleven in the greatest intersectional game of the day.

The Wolverines, undefeated and having only one tie to mar their record, and leading the Western Conference race along with Northwestern come riding on the crest of a wave. A stirring 14 to 12 victory over the Crimson last year gives them confidence and smashing triumphs over Purdue, Ohio State, and Illinois this year have shown that they possess tremendous power.

Harvard at Disadvantage

They meet a Harvard team that is smarting under two disheartening defeats and an equally discouraging tie. A Harvard team that has suffered more from injuries this year than ever before and barely has enough to put two, complete teams on the field today.

All of these factors go together to make the Mid-westerners topheavy favorites today at odds ranging from 2 to 1 upwards, while critics the country over have picked the Wolverines to keep their slate clean and chalk up a point for the Mid-west in the intersectional rivalry tables. The only thing at present that may make the game a toss-up is the spirit of the Harvard tam, which may break forth in all its fury and wreak revenge on Michigan and bring a victory to Coach Horween in his last year as Harvard coach.


Start Strongest Lineup

Harvard is starting its strongest lineup possible and one considerably different from any that faced the whistle, in a major game this year. The only possible change in the lineup given out on Thursday is that Ogden may start at right end in place of Hageman who was nominated for the post when it was thought that Ogden would miss the game because of injuries. But Ogden has rounded into shape rapidly and may be nominated at the eleventh hour.

The rest of the lineup remains the same with Moushegian at the other wing, Trafford and Kales at the tackles, Trainer and Myerson holding down the guard posts and Captain Ticknor at center. The revamped backfield has Wood at quarter. Huguley and Crickard at the halves, and Schereschewsky at full Huguley will be starting his first big game this year but he is a veteran in his third year of play and his passing and punting will be needed sorely today.

Harvard has frankly admitted that the Crimson offensive will be largely a passing attack with Wood and Huguley in the lead roles. The University team may be hoping to repeat the Michigan game of last year when the Crimson displayed the most brilliant aerial attack seen on any college gridiron since the days of Oberlander, Tully, and Lane at Dartmouth.

Michigan banks its hopes on a powerful running attack and a supplemental forward passing offensive in which the widely heralded quarterback, Harry Newman, will figure prominently. Newman has risen from the ranks of a substitute to the regular quarterback berth by his playing against Purdue.

Coach Kipke of the invaders, will probably send a team composed of Cox and Williamson, ends; Auer and Draveling, tackles; La Jeunesse and Cornwell, guards, and Morrison center, with a backfield that has Newman at quarter, Wheeler and Captain Simrall at the halves and Hudson at full
