Two days ago Mrs. Henry Peabody offered "Green Walls", her home in Beverly, for sale. Yesterday she quitted the city for the sunny south. Her departure was precipitated by the repeal of the Baby Volstead Act. A nine year old grandson waits her in New York. With greater political wisdom than his grandmother he read the handwriting on the green walls some months ago and fled this commonwealth steeped in sin and vice.
Mrs. Peabody has heard that there is a dry law in Florida. The couple, therefore, is going to Florida. Some time ago Al Capone heard there was a dry law there. He, too, made tracks for Florida. Mrs. Peabody ought to be happy in that state. The politicians are dry and the citizens are quite wet.
A short time ago Prohibition was in vogue. Mrs. Peabody was safe from chaos. The wets, however, did not give up their cause as lost and leave the country. If they had the United States would now be a desert and Canada would be wrestling with the problems of over population.
Achilles was a great man until he sulked in his tent. It is small wonder that the voters of Massachusetts have deserted a cause whose leaders are capable of such absurd gestures as a transcontinental sulk. Mrs. Peabody has neither faith, hope, nor charity. Anyway she has gone South. The birds are following her.
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