
Weep No More My Ladies


The man business is hypocritical. We find him spending his evening at enjoyable debutante dances and then writing for publication the next day that he can't say anything complimentary about the company he met there. He is slightly and continuously satirical about the ladies he meets in this college education business: What does he want, for goodness sake?

We refer to an editorial in the CRIMSON last week in which some one of the editorial staff backed up, with slightly muffled and forcedly ambiguous statements the grading of Boston debutantes by "Audacious" of the "Tatler." An editorial is usually representative more or less of several on the staff rather than the private outburst of one prejudiced student. Therefore, is it one writer or many who have the cynical opinion of the debutante and therefore the ladies in general?

We have no figures referring to the percentage of Harvard youths who attend the greater part to Boston's deb functions. But some of us, being of that lightly-named group called debs, ourselves, we know that it is large. The CRIMSON's attitude is no more comforting than the "Tatler's" ridiculous rating of debs for their popularity and family. The one can be overlooked as the attempt at sensation by a journalistic outsider. The other strikes a little closer home as the padded brick of some with whom we profess acquaintance.

The ambiguity of the editorial settles only one thing--that the He is hard to please and will not refrain, on the grounds of politeness, from expressing his distaste. It leaves us with the question--what does He mean by his scornful terminology of "this deb business," and would he extend his weeding out, if that is what he means, into all the fields where he is apt to meet the ladies? Radcliffe Daily.
