With the approach of two one-day holidays--Armistice Day (November 11) and Thanksgiving (November 27)--and of the Yale football game (November 22), it seems advisable to make clear the attitude of the Dean's Office in regard to cuts before and after these days.
Every Freshman is required to attend his last College exercise before and his first College exercise after each one-day holiday. Failure to do so will render him liable to disciplinary action by the Administrative Board. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Hygiene will not be regarded as a last class.
Every upperclassman not on the Dean's List is expected to attend his last College exercise before and his first College exercise after each one-day holiday. However, an upperclassman in good standing will not necessarily be placed on probation for cutting before and after one-day holidays, but such cuts will weigh heavily against a man if at any future time his record becomes unsatisfactory.
Classes will be held as usual on the day of the Yale game, Saturday, November 22, but no man whether in good standing, on probation, or on trial, will be held to the attendance of his classes on that day so far as the Dean's Office is concerned. However, the effect of absence upon a grade in a course will in every case be determined by the instructor. Cuts of the last class before and the first class after the day of the Yale game (November 22), will be treated in the same manner as holiday cuts.