

Among the current post mortems and hashings over of election results some interesting facts have been brought to light concerning the past histories of the various Senatorial candidates. Four of the thirty-eight, who confessed to a college education, matriculated at Harvard. Three senators claimed Yale as their Alma Mater, and the others attended a variety of colleges from all sections of the country.

There are various opinions as to the significance and importance of a college education, but from a position within the university it is a natural reaction to point with pride at the more renowned alumni and assert that the path to fame and fortune leads through academic portals. Obviously enough the feats of notorious scoundrels who happen to hold a college degree, or the life histories of those whose affairs are not successful after graduation seldom receive such eulogies in the editorial columns.

It is a theory that seems to be borne out by the facts that a college education is a factor in the success of many prominent men. The common fallacy however, is for the college to assume entire responsibility for the process. All kinds and conditions of humanity are found within a college and all students are not influenced to the same degree by their sojourn there. More credit is due to an institution which turns out men of consistently high caliber than to one whose reputation depends on the performances of one or two of its more 0exceptional alumni.
