

Abbe Grateful to President Lowell for Introduction to City Eleven Years Ago

Tonight students of the University will be able to hear Abbe Ernest Dimnet, educator, author, and masteremeritus of English in the College Stanislas of Paris, when he speaks at 8 o'clock on "The Art of Thinking" in the Harvard Union. Membership in the Union is not necessary for admission. Dimnet is to be introduced by Professor J. D. M. Ford '94. Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages.

The abbe is motoring from Providence this afternoon where he has given several talks, and will be unable to attend a dinner at the Union, as was originally planned. On Sunday evening October 20. Dimnet spoke at Ford Hall on his favorite subject. "The Art of Thinking", the title of his most widely read book. Never having spoken at Harvard before, he looks forward to the visit among his several friends in the University is Professor Ford, whom he has not seen for some time.

Fears Mussolini

In a recent lecture Dimnet characterized Mussolini as the Napoleonic type and branded him as dangerous. He sees war impending between France and Italy. "Mussolini," he says, "is eager to expand Italy in order to get colonies. I look for a war with Italy in two years. Had Italy the finances now. Mussolini would bring about the war."

In Boston two weeks ago Dimnet recalled the fact that 11 years before he had given his first American lecture at the Lowell Institute. "I will always be grateful," he said, "to President Lowell for introducing me to Boston. I have never found Boston cold."


The abbe has spoken this season in California. Texas, and in the East. Two weeks ago he lectured at Yale, where he was enthusiastically received.
