


Three prizes, which will be awarded for the best theses on subjects relating to the League of Nations, have just been announced by The League of Nations Association of New York City.

The first prize will be a trip to Europe, including a stay in Geneva and an opportunity to study the League of Nations at work. Second prize is an award of $100 and third prize $50, while local prizes will be offered by various branches of the League of Nations Association.

Theses are to be written on the following seven subjects: A critical survey of the political and economic aspects of the proposed federation of European states; an estimate of the value of the mandate system, disarmament including obstacles accomplishments and prospects; an economic program for the League of Nations designed to prevent world-wide economic depressions; harmonizing the League Covenant with the Pact of Paris; growth of international cooperation through the League of Nations; an evaluation of the effectiveness of the League of Nations as the guarantor of the rights of minorities.

Any registered Harvard undergraduate student may enter by writing to the League of Nations Association, Inc., 6 East 39th Street, New York City and asking for a registration blank, which is to be filled out and returned. The contest will close on March 2, the last date on which all theses may be mailed.

Conditions of the contest state that a bibliography listing all material used must accompany each thesis and the lists of League of Nation documents, pamphlets and selected books will be sent on receipt of the registration blank. As for length, 3,000 words are suggested as a minimum and 5,000 as a maximum, but these limits are not arbitrary. Other conditions will be included with the registration blank.


Theses will be judged on knowledge of the subject, judgment shown, organization of material and style. A further announcement is that it is important to confine the papers strictly to approved topics and have the whole topic covered.
